Friday, July 6, 2012

Home loan stress rising

Mortgage Rates Forecast - Home loan stress rising.
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We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Mortgage Rates Forecast . Finance Minister Michael Cullen looked at tax cuts worth more than a wk But Treasury said it couldn't be done without going into operating deficit Roy Morgan research shows that 22% of people with home loan are in mortgage stress -- That's more than 35-40%\ Extreme stress 35-40% on interest alone Up from 85000 in 2002 to 147000 last year Dow fell 3.6% last week, oil at 5/bbl This week overseas trade, National Bank business confidence, building stats ace anel Oil at US5/bbl Petrol at /litre IEA cuts oil supply forecast US oil inventories drop Panel 2 Ford cuts output SUV sales collapse Budget reaction NZ$, rates rise OCR cut later Maybe after election Oil price hit US5 a barrel and petrol price hit a litre IEA is revising down its supply forecasts US inventories drop sharply Ford announces cut in output SUV market share in US down to 4% Back home, the Budget received a thumbs down from the market Economists say it will delay an interest rate cut, possibly until December After the election
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