Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Signs and Portents

Mortgage Interest Rates Forecast - Signs and Portents
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Amazing, isn't it, how fast the polls change? One minuscule Hillary's ahead. Then it's Obama. Then it's Romney, running neck and neck. But wait - here comes Huckabee. Huckabee takes the lead. And what about...

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We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Mortgage Interest Rates Forecast.

Here's a thought. Forget the polls. They're meaningless - designed for amusement purposes only. You'll check the most recent poll, then go to do your designated duty by casting your vote - which is also meaningless.

Stalin said it best. "It's not the citizen who vote that count. It's the citizen who count the vote."

Chances are you'll cast your vote on an unverifiable electronic touch-screen voting machine, such as Diebold choosing Systems entry, which can be in effect hacked, manipulated and programmed for any desired result. Diebold recently changed its name to Premier choosing Systems. That should fool them. The end consequent will be someone else dishonest, fraudulent election.

Save your vote. The choosing winners have already been excellent and your selection didn't enter into the process. In fact, the whole voting process, like the polls mentioned above, is minuscule more than someone else rehearsal designed for amusement purposes only. Entertainment. costly entertainment.

Enormous sums of money are transferred and the controlled media cleans up. You would think that at least one propaganda rag or talking head might slip up and relate the fact that, no matter who wins, they will represent, first and foremost, the interests of a foreign country before any minuscule consideration is given to the interests of the deceived dupes who elected them.

2008 should be an provocative year with respect to the economy. Our torturer-in-chief revealed his magic plan to save the sub-prime mortgage mess by frozen interest rates on definite loans. This might benefit a few hundred thousand homeowners - those who have never been late with a mortgage payment. Those who have been late, of course, are in effect the ones who need the most help - and won't get it.

Also unaffected will be several million homeowners incredible to lose their homes to foreclosure - and many to lose their jobs as well, producing an unemployment rate considerably in excess of the current actual rate of about 9%.

The dollar, of course, is losing value daily as countries all over the world divest themselves of the one-time seal of force and stability. Even Gisele Bundchen, the world's richest model, now insists that she be paid in roughly any currency but the Us dollar. She joins a growing list of rich investors like Warren Buffet, who are busy divesting themselves of dollars in favor of the Euro and other currencies.

There are many reasons for the dollar's decline. No need to go into them here. Suffice to say that when the dollar loses all value - should China decide to dump Us T-bonds for example (and the rest of the world follows suit) the American empire will be over. One benefit: no more Us instigated preemptive wars.

We enter 2008 with our government still under siege for destroying Cia torture tapes. We don't torture, of course, agreeing to our torturer-in-chief boy king. We merely guide enhanced interrogations. All popular ,favorite by Congress - which now has less respect than used car dealers.

Novelist Stephen King had an provocative idea. He suggested that Jenna Bush be waterboarded, and then she could talk either or not she belief it was torture. If not Jenna, then go ahead, George, opt someone else branch for your innocent parlor game of waterboarding.

Nancy Pelosi might make an provocative subject. Especially in light of her notification that impeachment would be off the table - in direct, arrogant, outrageous violation of the wishes of gullible voters who incredible a Democratic Congress sensitive to their wishes.

One last note on the destroyed Cia tapes - they weren't all destroyed. I am aware of a very reliable source that claims at least one of the tapes was saved - that he in effect saw it, and that it's even worse than expected. When it gets out, person will pay a price. Someone, hopefully, other than the low-level flunkies that are normally forced to take the blame.

We start 2008 with the usual unresolved problems. A condition care ideas that's broken. An schooling ideas that's a total disaster. An immigration problem that's out of control. Unprotected borders. Taxes, taxes and more taxes - without representation. More government control and loss of personal freedom everyday. And this brief list barely scratches the surface.

All of which pales in comparison to the very real possibilities of war. Two wars, to be exact. At least two - possibly a few more. Remember Kosovo? Serbs? Albanians? That minuscule dust-up in the Balkans in 1999 in the middle of Yugoslavia and Nato? Our air war at 38,000 feet which had the deadly consequent of destroying monasteries, schools, hospitals, power plants, radio stations, churches, shopping centers - a few innocent Serbs here and there (the so-called enemy) - and about 5,000 wholly innocent civilians. (Oh, you weren't supposed to know about that).

Well, Kosovo is at it again, declaring independence - with American approval. But Russia - for some strange reason (not in effect strange at all) - says nyet. They won't allow it. And they are dead serious. This could consequent in devastating disagreement in the blink of an eye - which could spread wholly out of control.

The second possibility of war involves Israel attacking Iran. George Bush has vowed to defend Israel if they come under assault - even if they caused it. The Israelis are furious at the new release of a National brain appraisal showing that Iran stopped all work towards nuclear weapon amelioration in 2003. They are determined to destroy Iran, no matter how many American lives it costs.

Two problems with that scenario: Russia has already delivered nuclear fuel to Iran. An assault by Israel on Iran's Bushehr nuclear power plant could consequent in the death of millions. No concern to the Israelis, of course, who have long suggested using their Samson selection - destroying the whole world, even if it means suicide for Israel itself.

Second problem: The Russians have publicly announced that they will consider an assault on Iran as an assault on Russia. I wonder why the controlled American media has failed to even mention that declaration. Might lose a minuscule social preserve for the coming conflagration.

Considering George Bush's imperial tendencies to ignore all laws and to do what he wants, regardless of the consequences, I can in effect dream the outcome of an assault on Iran - by us or the Israelis. Vladimir Putin is not the kind of opponent you play a game of chicken with. Whoever attacks Iran will get a taste of Russian retaliation, a costly mistake that could in effect ignite World War Iii.

Actually, inspecting the psychotic makeup of both the Israelis and the Bush crime family, you might say that our time to come depends more than a minuscule on the determined reasoning, good graces and splendid leadership of one Vladimir Putin.

China hasn't publicly declared its intention of defending Iran, but I can't see them standing idly by while we destroy billions of dollars in their Iranian investments.

In a nuclear war with Russia, we will lose. Russia would lose too, since we are still a so-called superpower with respect to weapons of mass destruction. But we would assuredly lose. Inasmuch as we are now under Zionist control, possibly we have our own Samson Option. But are you in effect willing to commit suicide, just for the sake of taking the rest of the world with you? Seems like a rather insane policy of action to me - and possibly something drastic should be done to prevent it.

I'm convinced that a war with Iran would represent the start of World War Iii. Which, I guess, is exactly what the Christian Zionist fanatics are waiting for. We've done such a bang-up job of things, maybe we deserve it. Bomb all things back to the stone age - and whoever's left can start over with a clean slate.

Give a reasoned selection to your selection of the next president. All candidates - except one - will continue the destruction started by the current president. All are warmongers. All are subservient to the Israeli lobby. All will do the bidding of Tel Aviv, no matter what the cost in American blood and treasure.

There is one candidate - Ron Paul - who represents the return to Constitutional law and who in effect represents the interests of the American people. Elect Paul and we can return to what this country used to be. Elect whatever else, and we are lost.

Just two more things to consider as we investment blindly into 2008.

George Bush, torturer-in-chief and without question the absolute worst American president in history - could turn his credit in a second. He could come to be an instant hero and be remembered as the man who brought peace to the Middle East. His legacy would be assured.

All it would take would be one phone call - and 3 minuscule words. That's right - just 3 magic words and you would have peace - real, genuine peace in the Middle East. And much of the world. An entire planet would be eternally grateful.

George Bush to Ehud Olmert: "No More Money!"

That's it. Just 3 minuscule words that could turn the history of mankind. (My humble opinion, of course). Just think: Without the continued influx of forced American taxpayer money - in the billions and hundreds of billions of dollars - to the hanger-on nation of Israel, that Zionist entity would no longer exist.

It wouldn't happen overnight. America is far from being the only country under Zionist domination and Israel would in effect find funding elsewhere. But not enough. America is the only country wealthy sufficient - and willing sufficient - to wholly supply its master's needs. Like a drug dealer being threatened and blackmailed into supplying its junkie's fix.

The end of American money is the end - over time - of Israel. Just think: Arab lands returned to their rightful owners. No more illegal confiscation and occupation. No more planned destruction - aided by deluded Americans - of countries like Lebanon.

An gigantic decrease in worldwide assassinations. No more Palestinian genocide. No more imprisonment and torture of thousands. No more brutalization, terrorization and murder of helpless women and children. No more control of most of the world's media. Americans, in particular, would be in for a new experience: exposure to the actual, unvarnished truth.

No more... But the atrocities and outrages are too many to even list. Some too horrifying even to be believed. With no more money, it comes to an end - along with much of the misery the world has been forced to endure.

Will it happen? Never. It's more likely that the fanatic Israelis will drag us into someone else unwinnable war. For their benefit, of policy - not ours. It is more likely that the asteroid I've been praying for will in effect assault Washington.

And it is much more likely that, as the consequent of a real or man-made "al-qaeda" incident killing innocent Americans, martial law will be declared and we will lose the remainder of our freedoms. This period, right now, could someday in effect be determined The Good Times.

All it would take is just the stroke of a pen.

All we can guarantee is that we're in for an provocative year ahead. A perilous year, fraught with chance as well as danger. A year of serious choices to make.

Will we opt someone else president who apparently enjoys inflicting the pain of torture on his helpless human victims? A president subservient to a foreign power, determined to destroy the Constitution, the credit and the very fabric of a once-free nation? An elected dictator in all but name, presiding over a fascist, totalitarian society?

Or will we opt free selection and decide that what we once had is just too costly to lose altogether. And take whatever action might be required to recapture our country from the thieves who have stolen it.

As usual, you'll no doubt accuse me of rambling and exaggerating things all out of proportion. Maybe things aren't as bad as I claim. Then again, maybe they're worse. Everybody is entitled to the delusion of their choice.

I merely profess that, based upon data I have discovered - data ready to you, too - data deliberately twisted and manipulated and secret - the scenarios I present here, in my humble opinion, are all representative of a less than ideal reality, to put it mildly, and the change, if not actual permanent destruction of what we once held most dear.

Please accept my apologies for inflicting on you such a convoluted sentence. And while it's still barely legal to say so, I'd like to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a healthy, Happy New Year. I promise to do my best to try to find something good to write about in 2008.

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