Thursday, May 31, 2012

Living in the Philippines - Best "Passive" Businesses to Start

Mortgage Rate Trend - Living in the Philippines - Best "Passive" Businesses to Start
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Do you know about - Living in the Philippines - Best "Passive" Businesses to Start

Mortgage Rate Trend! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

For those Ofw's and foreigners wishing to start a business, but not wishing to involve themselves with the stress of a enterprise arresting day-to-day operations, employees, landlords, inventory, and so forth, there are some ready opportunities for foreigners living in the Philippines. Buy fixer upper properties, heighten them, then rent or sell them.

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How is Living in the Philippines - Best "Passive" Businesses to Start

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Mortgage Rate Trend.

1. Buy Fixer Upper Properties, heighten Them, Then Rent or Sell Them. This is a great enterprise for those of you who have perceive in your home country in buying, fixing up and renting or selling properties. Over the past 10 years, a lot of population got complicated in this kind of enterprise in their homeland.

With the whole economic problems in the world the past combine of years, the Philippines has not been immune, and there are a lot of properties in a state of disrepair, as well as lot of distressed and foreclosed properties.

2. Build An Apartelle. An Apartelle is an apartment construction where all but one of the units are rented out long term, and you are left to operate on a nightly or weekly basis, like a hotel - hence the combined name of apartelle. These are base in the Philippines.

This enterprise will require a heavier capital investment, yet with the right property and by focusing in the more rural areas or smaller cities, you can found a small 4 unit apartment construction for Peso 3,000,000 - not counting cost of the land.

You would want to rent out 3 units on a long term rental basis, and keep one for short term rentals - for the many traveling salesmen that frequent the countryside. They like booking into such short term apartelle units rather than the much more high-priced hotels in the area.

3. Condotels. I have not given this enterprise my "thumbs up" in all instances. Condotels have been heavily touted and promoted the past some years and there have been many, many new condominiums built in Manila, and now even in Cebu and starting in Davao.

The problem is that although the developers offer great down payment terms (usually around 30% down financed over 3 years) and in some cases carry back the mortgage and finance for possibly 10 years, the interest rates are incredibly high, and the split of rentals with the administration team runs around 50%/50%. There is also always a nominal monthly maintenance fee.

What looks like "cheap" entry point and cash flow out each month, in many cases simply becomes a bet on long term property appreciation - seeing person willing to pay you more for it than you paid for it.

This is because with all the account on hand, there is a surplus of condos which have been into hotel type rental pools, but not adequate visitors to rent them all.

Consequently, what an investor belief would be a good safe bet cash cow, turns out to be a continuous negative cash flow - not what a new retiree to the Philippines is seeing for to supplement his pension or annuity! This type investment will only drain you pension.

However, having written all this, I Have Found the past some month two exceptional condotel investments which Do meet my criteria of creating good ongoing rental income.

4. Farming. The likely cessation of the Agrarian Land Reform agenda (Carp) will give the rural sector renewed reliance to invest in agricultural output capacity. Carp has held back investment in both output capacity as well as farm acquisition. An end to Carp will mean higher land prices since land will be valued for its higher wage producing potential.

However, higher land prices are simply a "serendipity", an added value, to the type of farming enterprise I am writing about. I have found an highly unique enterprise opportunity, which will generate a great Roi (return on investment) and is wholly passive. It has been structured by the developers (all foreigners) to be a one turnkey investment price. The price includes cost of the land, plus all
Clearing, planting, cultivation and harvesting for the first 5 years.

The enterprise has been priced to fit the capital investment allocation of the midpoint foreigner retiree, and all landowners will be members of a cooperative which will share the farming tool (tractors, tool shed, and others). The farm will be "farmed" by the developer's administration team

The hottest trend now is in organic farming, and yet it is only in its infancy stage in the Philippines. There is one export product in particular which has caught my attentiveness - the pili nut. The Philippines is the Only country with which produces and processes this nut in market quantity.

The current status of the pili is equivalent to that of the macadamia some 30 years ago. It has huge potential to found into a major industry. They are in examine not only in Hong Kong and Taiwan but also in Singapore, Korea and Austria.

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